The Middleman

Aniqa Moinuddin
3 min readMar 11, 2022


by Azzedine Rouichi, Zurich

Have you noticed that there is a middle man who is managing your relationship with nature?

There are several actually — extraction, production, supply and distribution industries. The things you consume are extracted, processed, packaged and delivered to you this man-made system. An incredibly well oiled machine — the true Frankenstein of Humanity — an expression of the best and the worst of us.

Is it necessary to have a middleman between us and nature? Let’s say we use some products here and there that is processed and enhanced with a little human magic — but why have we severed this relationship and opted for a relentless machine to manage the most fundamental of all our relationships — the one with this planet?

Somehow all of nature has simply become raw materials for production and consumption. The hearts and lungs of this majestic planet are being torn down for building materials and trinkets. What is this machine that we have created — that grows at all cost and destroys all that are in its path?

Even more importantly, how do we honor what it has done for us thus far, and put it down gently to rest. Our creations have no power unless we give it to them. How do we unplug the system from its power sources — us and all other living beings?

To start we can stop seeing ourselves as separate from other living beings and the planet. [See crash course Ego vs Eco on “how”] We are fully and completely supported by the planet. It provides all that we could ever need to survive, thrive and transcend with joy and ease. All we need to do is not disturb its elemental processes — the water cycle, air movements, soil chemistry — to the point that it needs to eliminate us and spit us out just to maintain the integrity of its being. Much like our bodies do to disease.

And yet — we have pushed our Home to the point that is needs to get rid of us — by hook by crook! The changing climate, wide-scale epidemics are a natural consequence of our collective actions of pushing this delicate but powerful being past its tipping point. Yet — its is not the planet that is in trouble — it is us. If the human race was removed or significantly curbed the planet and its wild life would thrive. We are not saving the planet — we are saving ourselves; and we will only succeed by starting with the understanding of our love for our home and mother — and her love for us.



Aniqa Moinuddin

I am learning from nature to understand myself. I explore prevailing and emerging collective stories and mindsets. Realities emerge from dreams, words and acts.