What is Organizm?

Aniqa Moinuddin
2 min readFeb 9, 2022


Organizm is a self-organizing entity that emerges when Individuals with aligned Intent and varying abilities come together to explore new ideas, create art and build solutions.

It is the shape of organizations that are to come.

Visualizing the sense of an organizm by Aniqa Moinuddin

Collective Intent is key within the Organizm. Aligned individual intent is the necessary and sufficient condition for total inclusion. This intent rests in the knowledge that we are all connected and that each have unique gifts to present to any endeavor that pulls us towards it.

When the Intent fades, the organizm perishes, by design, to allow new ones to form in its place based on new Intent.

An Organizm assumes all individuals are equal in their potential while differentiated in the way they express this potential. Each point of difference is a strength and an opportunity for creativity and collaboration which gives the Organizm new expression. Finally each are empowered and self directed towards the shared purpose and vision.

And with that we start the journey of exploring and co-creating the Organizm…

Let’s continue with forming practices and practicing language that acts to unite instead of divide at every level of expression.

Let’s look towards nature, philosophy, history, art, science and technology to partake in the emergence of the Organizm that builds up an individual to realizing and expressing their potential and achieving co-created and collective ends.



Aniqa Moinuddin

I am learning from nature to understand myself. I explore prevailing and emerging collective stories and mindsets. Realities emerge from dreams, words and acts.